Μονάδα Υποστήριξης Φοιτητών (Μ.Υ.Φ.)

AI and Fluid Mechanics, 1st International Symposium

On behalf of the organising committee, it is our great pleasure to announce the
1st International Symposium on 'AI and Fluid Mechanics', AIFLUIDs; see attached flyer and feel free to disseminate; follow our website www.aifluids.net for updates.

Dates: 27-30th May 2025.
Venue: MAICh conference centre, in the island of Crete, Greece

AIFLUIDs aims to stand out as the premier global event dedicated to AI and data-driven methods applied to computational & experimental fluid mechanics. A number of plenary talks is already scheduled, please check https://aifluids.net/speakers.

AIFLUIDs is welcoming scientists, engineers and young researchers, as well as industries and corporations actively engaged to all relevant fields to participate to the event.

Registration and submission of abstracts/expression of interest will open on 15 September 2024.

Είδος εκδήλωσης