EMMEH 2025 SUMMER SCHOOL - June 28th to July 12th – Lille, France
'Prospects & Innovation for Euro-Mediterranean & Middle East Heritage – Conservation, Restoration, Valorisation: from Concept to Action'
The EMMEH 2025 summer school is a high-standard 60-hour training programme focusing on the climatic, technological, and societal challenges faced by cultural heritage in North Africa's Mediterranean regions, the Middle East, and Europe.
Coorganised by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lille (largest French university) and the International Academy Lille HdF (summer university for international students in Hauts-de-France), EMMEH 2025 will take place in Lille from June 28th to July 12th.
Valuing heritage to learn, innovate, and inspire!!
Midway between Paris, London and Brussels, at the heart of a high-performance academic and economic hub that makes innovation a priority, the programme will offer high-level scientific lectures delivered in English by renowned researchers in the field, and a lead into research through a supervised project assessed by an oral defence.
ECTS: 5 credits
Challenge your scientific potential!
As a research-oriented programme, the summer school is dedicated to Master's & PhD students willing to network into their PhD or postdoc in France. Excellent Bachelor's students are accepted (3rd year undergraduate). Scholars and professionals are welcome to apply. The participants should have an advanced level of English proficiency as well as excellent academic results and in-depth knowledge in heritage.
Heritage, museums, archaeology, excavation sites, conservation, restoration, mediation, exhibitions, climate changes, sustainability, risks, innovation, digital solutions.
Willing to get a peek into French culture and language or rediscover it?
Visits and events will immerse the participants in France's youngest region, renowned for its competitiveness, dynamic cultural and social life, and a unique blend of Flemish cheerfulness and French elegance.
Willing to broaden your international experience within a vibrant community of global peers?
Early Bird application deadline for the all-inclusive discounted fee: February 28th.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
More details (programme, speakers, application, fees, comfort pack included):